My Blog Has Moved

Well folks, I've finally done it. I've switched to WordPress and my blog is now on my own domain. So say good-bye to Blogger and good-bye to the bling. But don't be sad. Life is full of change. Change is a good thing. It keeps us on our toes. It challanges us and makes us stronger. And as your next President... oops, I got a little speechy there, didn't I?

Anyway, check me out at:

I'll look for you there.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Low Fat Boston Cream Pie

Heather made a delicious and low-fat Boston Cream Pie the other day. She took the recipe out of the Oct/Nov 2008 issue of Taste of Home Healthy Cooking.

It's a wonderfully dense and slightly springy cake with a thicker than pudding or custard filling with an icing that is made from powdered sugar and cocoa.

It's slightly different from traditional boston cream pies but yummy none-the-less. It was submitted to the magazine by Nancy Zimmerman from Cape May Court House, NJ. I can't link to the recipe on Taste of Home's website because you have to be a "member" to see the recipes. Since it's not an original Heather recipe, I am not posting the ingredients. But the mag is on sale at your local newstand or just go to and become a member.

A little blurry but I'll get better with the camera.

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