You don't know me but you did a wonderful thing for my mother the other night. To give you a little background, my mom is 71 years old. My stepfather is 91. He wears a catheter all the time and needs a wheel chair to get around. In order to keep him lively, my mother occasionally takes him out to the mall or dinner at Charlie Brown's Steak House, their favorite restaurant.

She called me up to tell me the story and she was crying. No, not just crying but sobbing. She couldn't believe that this tiny little girl who did not know her would go out of her way to help her. My mother has been struggling to take care of Al (my stepdad) since he became debilitated about a year ago. This man was the "

It's a big job and she does most of it by herself. I think the stress of all that work and the fact that his side of the family barely helps or shows interest, has taken it's toll on mother. It all came to the surface and exploded when you came to her aid. And don't get me wrong, you did a wonderful thing and I think my mother just needed to cry about it and get it out of her system. She's feeling better now and she will always have a little special place in her heart for you and so do I. If more people were like you, this world would definitely be a much better place.
Thank you so very much from the son of the woman you helped in the parking lot of Charlie Brown's Steak House. May all your kindnesses be returned ten-fold.
What an amazeing thing to do for your mother.. I am verry touched by this letter.
It makes you fel good that there is still kind pepole in this crazy world.
Jennsue Via SITS
What a great story! I really do love people that will go out of their way to help another. It makes me smile when someone even opens the door for me. If everyone would try to help another person at least once a day, what a difference that would make!
Thanks for sharing this story! :)
That's very sweet indeed. Happy Friday SITSta!
Wow, that was so touching. If only there were more people in the world like the little girl that helped your mother. This world would be such a better place.
Oh great, now I'M crying! That was a wonderful letter. I wish I could meet that little gal and give her a big hug. And Please give your Mom and Step Dad a big hug from Mindy in Montana!!
i love hearing stories like this. it really puts things in perspective
Oh, that is such a great letter! It shows that those little random acts of kindness do make a difference.
Okay, I am all choked up.
What a sweet girl.
And, how sad that your mother was so touched by an act that should be an everyday occurance.
Great post!
Such a touching story, and I was getting teary when you said your mother was crying, and also how she wanted to take care of this man in his own home after he had worked his whole life. I send your mom good wishes and prayers to help her out.
Jen Sue Wild - It sure does make me feel good that there still are kind people in this world.
Dari - I'm glad you liked the story and I agree with you whole-heartedly.
Erin - Thanks and Happy Friday from a BITSta!
Ann - Yes, if only more people were like that girl. So we all should try to be a little nicer and helpful!
Mindy - Yes, I cried too. And I sure will give my mom and step dad a big hug from you!
Litanyofbritt - It sure does put things in perspective.
Jewelstreet - Thanks so much. I truly believe in random acts of kindness.
Tiffany - Yes, Tiffany. It's a sad reflection of the world today when what should be a normal occurance elicits such a response.
i wish all people were as selfless as that girl.
our world would be such a wonderful place if we took time to help out perfect strangers.
Kathleen - Thank you for your good wishes and prayers. My mother struggles daily but she is a very determined woman too.
Cornnut32 - I wish all people were selfless like that girl, too. If we all just try a little harder, maybe we can make a difference.
Wow--that's a great letter! It's so nice to read about GOOD people that do helpful thins--usually when I write letters on my blog they're about mean people! Thanks for sharing that!!
Wow, what a great story, I really thought you were going to tell a 'reckless teenage driving story', this was way better. Thanks for sharing!!
What a beautiful story. That's the problem in this day and age, we only hear stories about the young people doing bad things and being impolite.
It's nice to see and read a story about someone so helpful. Thank you for sharing. I hope she somehow will see your letter. Then again if you believe in angels, perhaps no one saw her except your Mother and Step-Father and she was there to help only them. I've heard stories like that. Myself I believe in angels. Have a wonderful week-end.
Jennifer - I'm glad you thought the letter was great. I planned to blog about what happened to my mother anyway, so I thought what better way to say thank you then through an open letter.
Mommy of M's - I prefer to look at the good things, rather than the bad. You're welcome!
Old Lady Lincoln - I think people focus too much on the negative. I wanted to share something that someone had done that was good. You never know what impact a good deed may have on another person.
I don't know if there are angels about, but it sure is nice to think that they are. You have a wonderful weekend, too.
That is the nicest thing I have read in a while. People who are kind like that deserve a place in heaven. And BTW so does your Mom!
It's awesome to actually hear that humans can act like a real human being and not a cold heartless being. Someone was definitely keeping an eye on your mom and stepdad. That definitely warmed my heart.
*thanks for stopping by! :)
Came thru SITS...
I just love hearing any random act of kindness story. Helps restore my faith in humanity.
NJdecorator - That girl sure does deserve a place in heaven and thanks for your kind words towards my mom.
Karol - Yes, it's nice to see people being kind instead of cold. I agree that someone was keeping an eye on my family that day.
That is a wonderful story. You don't come across to many people these days that will do something to help someone they don't know. Or that they do know for that matter.
I always try to help people when I can. I am a strong believer in Karma. And, well it makes me feel good to help people.
God bless your mom for taking care of your stepdad. I hope they are both well.
Jessica G - Welcome SITS member. Glad you stopped by and glad I was able to help restore your faith in humanity!
Sgtsudswife - It seems less and less people are interested in helping others. I believe in Karma too. Thanks for your kind words about my mom and step dad. They are booth doing well.
What a great letter! When I read the title on SITS, I expected to read something about a rude driver or a stolen parking space from a harried mother. This was so refreshing!
We all need a little random act of kindness, everyday..for ourselves & others. I will pray for your Mom & Step-Father.
Pay It Forward!
Babyrocasmama - Thank you. I so believe in paying it forward. Think of what the world would be like if everyone did that?
Babyrocasmama - Thank you. I so believe in paying it forward. Think of what the world would be like if everyone did that?
I am so glad to hear there are still good people in this world. What an angel for helping out.
hi! i'm over from SITS.
amazing story. it's so important to help others out.
it's once in awhile you hear these great stories!
thank you!!!
Visiting from SITS. What a wonderful story!! I have tears in my eyes.
What a great story, I'm so glad there are still caring people in this world. Thanks for stopping by my blog, keep in touch!
I so HEART her too!
What a sweet helper!
God sees!
Midwest Mommy - She sure was an angel for helping out.
Cynthiaa - Welcome from SITS. It truly is important to help others out and I wish we would hear these types of stories more than just once in a while.
The Wife O Riley - Welcome from SITS and thanks for your nice comment.
Leslie - I am glad you liked the story and yes there are still caring people out there. I'll definitely be back to your blog!
Wanda - Thanks for such a nice comment!
What a sweet story!
her mother would be proud of her! What a nice thing to do.
PS love the bling on your blog!
Annie - Thanks!
Ella - I bet her mother would be proud and I'm glad you like my "bling" cause I like it, too! :)
What a wonderful story...that proves that paying it forward....really does's nice to see that kindess and chivalry aren't lost on our youth....made me tear up a little....happy SITS day
I loved this story! It gives me hope for the future. Really warmed my heart. Blessings to the young lady, your mom and your stepfather.
Noah's Mommy - Yes, I believe in paying it forward. Happy SITS day to you too.
Kathy - Thanks for your kind words. It does give one hope for the future.
What a lovely post. Reminds me that I want to incorporate those random acts of kindness into my life. One small thing can mean so much to someone else. And it's lovely just how much your mother appreciated it :)
Mspennylane - Thank you so very much. I think if everyone incorporated little random acts of kindness into their lives, this world we be a much nicer place.
That was really nice of the young lady. If only more people were this kind! Thanks for sharing this!
Tamicks - It sure was and you are very much welcome!
What a lovely young girl!
Andrealeigh - She she is a lovely girl!
It goes to show that there are still people out there who care and are kind-hearted. :o)
With the holiday season upon us, most people you will run into are stressed, crazed and often rude. Let's all spread TRUE holiday cheer and keep this random acts of kindness going!!!
Babette - Thank goodness that there are still people who care and are kind-hearted.
Queenie Jeannie - Thanks. Let's all keep up the random acts of kindness, not just during the holidy season but always!!
See, events like this are the things for which we really need to and can be thankful!
What a beautiful soul she was, and your mother as well for recognizing and feeling the kindness extended.
Of course, you had 2 make me cry on Thanksgiving morning :P My bad, I should have read it when 1st posted!! XO.
Verbal Warrior - A little cry on Thanksgiving never hurt anyone. And it sure does give us thought as to what we are really thankful for.
You really never ever know what your act of kindness will mean to someone. Even those who are grumpy and don't seem to appreciate what you've done.
We all need to touch someone every day, even if it's as simple as a smile.
Jael - I agree. Can you imagine how much nicer this world would be if people just smiled more?
wow. this is beautiful! i broke my leg last year and was in a wheelchair for 3 months ... i was continually amazed at how many people were willing to help me when i couldn't do things on my own. there are many kind souls out there - and i am so happy your mom encountered one!
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