That's right, folks. As a SITS member, I am participating in their Spring Fling. I've got some great prizes in store for one lucky reader but before you jump down to the bottom to leave a comment, please read ALL the instructions first. If you don't follow the instructions, you will be disqualifed. (I promise not to make you jump through hoops.)

Anyway, I'm giving away the dvd game, Scene It? Disney 2nd Edition. If you've never played Scene It, you're in for a treat. It's a trvia game that you play on your tv and it incorporates images and scenes from movies. It's a lot of fun and this Disney version is a great family game that people of all ages can enjoy.

Now I know that there are a lot of you mommy bloggers out there who would just love to get your hands on these goodies. So how do you enter my contest? Here are the rules:
1. For 1 entry, leave a comment below telling me what your favorite Disney movie is and why. (Don't skimp. You must include the name of the movie and your reasons for loving it in order for this entry to count!)
2. For 2 more entries, blog about this contest and leave a separate comment here with a link to your post about this contest.
3. For 3 more entries, leave another separate comment here telling me what other SITS member Spring Fling contest you like and leave a link to that contest in your comment.
Contest ends Monday, March 16th at 12 pm ET. Winner will be announced sometime Tuesday, March 17th. (Probably after 6pm ET) Make sure you have a valid email address for me to contact you. If I can't reach you and/or you don't respond to my email or the announcement on my blog, a new winner will be selected on Saturday, March 20th.
That's it folks. It's your choice. You can have as little as one entry or as many as 6. I'm a BIG Disney fan so I am looking forward to reading all about what Disney movie you love best. (live action or animated) And to get the ball rolling, I'll tell you what Disney movie I love best. It was a toss up between Sleeping Beauty and The Sword in the Stone but I have to go with The Sword in the Stone. Somehow I related with Wart and I absolutely loved not only the Wizard's duel scene but the scene's where Wart became a fish, a squirrel, and a bird. Only Disney can take you on a journey like that. Good luck!
Hmmmmm...fav Disney movie? Was the original Freaky Friday movie with Jodie Foster a Disney movie? Cause that was one groovy flick.
P.S. You do realize you wrote "I was a toss up between Sleeping Beauty and the Sword in the Stone" right?
Good luck today!
This is probably pretty cheesy of me but, oh well...
There's this really cool chick who is giving away a Starbucks gift card for Spring Fling!
Yeah! I know! Awesome right?!
Here's the link...
Ooo! Ooo! I forgot! I totally shouted out Prest-man on my post...
I love Disney. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I guess maybe 101 Dalmations. The dogs are just too cute.
I really like Disney's new movies too. The Pixar ones.
probably Pinocchio. my oldest used to adore it + it brings back fond memories!
why, my favorite giveaway is my own of course :)
My all time favorite Disney movie is Cinderella. I love the mice singing to her! And of course the fairytale ending isn't too bad either. ~Now I'll be singing Cinderlly, cinderelly all day! LOL~
Hi hun! Happy Spring Fling!!
You have to know that my Isabella would so LOVE this!!! Thank you for offering it!
My favorite movie is Sleeping Beauty. It was the first once I saw in the theatre, so of course it sticks with me. Plus I'm a hopeless romantic - the whole true love conquers all thing, lol!
Come on over to my blog to register for my pearl earring giveaway too!!
I gotta give a shout out to my Theme Week partner in crime Denise!
And TMM is a really cool chick, and maybe a little crazy!
My favorite disney movie is Lion King. Actually, its my sons but I am force to watch it every single day so its grown on me. I posted a post about this a few weeks back in my blog. Anyway, yeah there would be tears if the lion king was ever scratched.
Wall-e. For sure. It's beautiful and there is no talking.
My favorite when I was little was Aladdin!
I guess my fave Disney movie would have to be Cinderella. I love the whole storyline thing about it and my girls love it too!
While Cinderella is my favorite Disney princess of all time, and her Prince is my favorite prince (so dreamy!!), my favorite Disney movie of all time is Lady & the Tramp. I love the songs & the siamese cats. "Where there are baby, there are milk nearby" And of course, the spaghetti kiss. And I love the fact that the people's names are Jim Dear and Darling. This movie is Disney at it's finest!
CG is a massive Disney fan. And she would love to slaughter us at the game. Favorite Disney movie. Hummm has to be Cinderella. Oh I love the dreams that come true!
my favorite disney movie is the little mermaid. i absolutely love it. i don't really know why, except that i love the songs and think it's a great story. i was very disappointed when i went to disney world and ariel was not to be found very often. she is not one of the more popular princesses it seems!
Favorite Disney cartoon--The Little Mermaid. I love the music!
is a great giveaway and she is a funny lady--and it's not me! =)
Eek! I love the Little Mermaid! All time favorite movie. I love it so much I even wrote a paper on it in college, and won an award haha. The soundtrack is amazing! Can you get any better than 'Under the sea' and 'Kiss the girl'?! Hands down, favorite characters. I might be a little obsessesed.... ;)
And so far my favorite giveaway (besides yours, of course) is this...
I could definitely use some new nail polish!
My favorite "older" Disney movie is SLeeping Beauty because it is one of the first I remember going to a "real" theater to see, BUT.. the new Disney/Pixar Monsters movies are freaking great!!
Oh, and here is the link:
Beauty and the Beast is my favorite. I love that she loves to read and that she is independent and doesn't need a guy like Gaston. And I love all the music, too.
whoooo hooo...Love this....and my fave movie.....hmmm....I think I might have to say Pete's Dragon...."I'll be your candle on the Water" was cute....
I have to pick a favorite?? When I was younger, it was Beauty and the Beast. But now that I am a mom and have a toddler who loves to watch movies over and over and over again, I'd have to say Cars. I can watch that one and never get tired of it!!!
(unlike others, like Dumbo, and the Lion King!)
Well, it sort of changes a lot. I think my favorite Disney movie right now would be Beauty and the Beast. I've always loved Belle! She is so simple, yet so beautiful! Plus...who wouldn't love a singing, dancing tea cup? Really?
My favorite would have to be The Fox & The Hound. I watched this a zillion times with my boys & Todd & Copper remind me of my sons.
I love the Diaper Bag that Heather is giving away at Mindless Junque!
My favorite giveaway so far - Rhea at Texas Word Tangle!!
Pink cowboy hat and personalized story!
My favorite Disney movie is probably Peter Pan. And I *love* that ride at Disney World too...even though it is getting pretty rickety. I just love the "You can fly...! You can fly...! You can fly...!" song. And I love that they think good thoughts and they can fly. So sweet....
Thanks for being a part of the Spring Fling!
My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. I love the story and I love the Beast and how he learns to love and it changes him. Now don't we all want our men to do that?
I like this giveaway best - cos who doesn't need a coffee card?
And I though about giving my own, but well, nah...
My favorite Disney movie is The Lion King. I first saw it while I was in high school and fell in love with everything about it. I have the original version on VHS, the re-done version on DVD, and I've got the soundtrack as well. I've loved it and sadly, no one else in my house does. They laugh at me when I start singing along with the songs or randomly bust out witrh "Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase" whilst preparing dinner for them. Everyone's a critic though.
Fav Disney movie? Old Yeller. Makes me cry EVERY time.
I am visiting via SITS and hope you will stop by and enter my giveaway too!
I'm really liking the idea behind this give-away.
Everyone needs some woohoo in their lives!
My favorite Disney moving of all time would have to be Sleeping Beauty. My father took me when I was little I loved the little fairies. lol
I luve me some trivia and I luv me some Disney! Plus, my 3 year old will luv the videos!
fav giveaway today? There are lots but here is a good one:
My favorite giveaway so far is #90 Vera Bradley giveaway. The address is
My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. I love how Belle is so into books, and it's just such a sweet story.
I posted on my blog about your contest.
My favorite is cinderella. I love it because my grandmother (who is 82) was always singing the songs when I was little. They always bring a smile to my face.
Happy spring fling!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
THis is the best giveaway I've seen yet! All good things that my kids have been begging for!!! (they are hoping that with the 2nd edition of SceneIt they can finally beat me!)
My favorite Disney movie is probably The Lion King... Or Pete's Dragon - I'm a music person, and I love some of the music in that one!!!!
THis is the best giveaway I've seen yet! All good things that my kids have been begging for!!! (they are hoping that with the 2nd edition of SceneIt they can finally beat me!)
My favorite Disney movie is probably The Lion King... Or Pete's Dragon - I'm a music person, and I love some of the music in that one!!!!
Last hoop (just kidding) ... so far my favourite giveaway is at Texas Word Tangle - I would so love a pink cowgirl hat!
We love Disney Scene it, but ours is the first edition, so this would be great.
For my favorite Disney movie, probably Enchanted. I love all the references to other movies and it is just fun, with great songs and a good story. It's hard to choose one movie, but I'll stick with that one!
My favorite Disney movie is Peter Pan because I love Tinkerbell and want to be like Peter Pan, always be a kid and never grow up. Happy Springtime everyone!
Another giveaway I liked was from
I LOVE Beauty & The Beast. It's my Classic favorite - the music is great and it's just such a fun animated story. I love ALL the Pixar movies too - I'm a sucker and I cannot wait till November we're taking my (then will be) 14 month old to Disneyland for the first time!!! SO EXCITED!!!
Also I've played Disney Scene It (Don't think this version) against my whole family 8 vs 1 and I won! :-) People don't like to play with me.
Great giveaway!
My favorite Disney movie is Cinderella because I love the cute dancing and singing mice, especially the fat one!
My favorite SITS giveaway so far, other than yours of course is the 200 Quickcuts giveaway here:
I am a big scrapbooker!
my fav disney movie actually happens to be the little mermaid! I've never seen the 2nd one though. How fun!
My favorite Disney movie in the animated category is by far Alice in Wonderland. I love her curiosity and wonder. I loved all books, too.
My favorite non animated Disney movie is Mary Poppins. Seriously, how do you not love a woman who has a bottomless purse?
My favorite is Bambi. I love Thumper's mother's advice if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. And when my daughter was in the womb, my hubby referred to her as Flower " our own little stinker"
Bambi..which is a sad movie. BUT its been my favorite since I was really little! The Characters are just adorable!
Cinderella because it brings back memories and because it proves dreams can come true and the 'ugly' sister can get the guy in a movie for once.
kport207 at gmail dot com
We love Disney over here! We watch a Disney movie almost every day. I think my favorite is Beauty and the Beast. When I was in high school, and choir, we sang a medley of songs from this movie. It was so much fun! Plus I love the evil laugh of the oven when the villagers come to kill the Beast.
Of course I also love Mary Poppins (for the songs(, Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, etc. etc.
I like this give away,, which is my own! And this one too,
Great idea!
Well that is tough as I am a major Disney fan too but I love The Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. They both have great songs that are fun to listen and sing along with. Thanks for the chance to win!
SO fun! I have the original Scene-It and it's HARD!! We played the Sienfeld one at Christmas cuz my FIL got it as a gift. That was fun.
My most favorite Disney movie is 101 Dalmations. I even have a dalmation tattoo. I used to collect them. There's not just one part I like about the movie. I love the whole thing.
Oh my goodness how does one just pick 1 disney movie to love. I love them all. But if I have to pick one to watch over and over it would be winnie the pooh in the hundred acre wood. Probably not the accurate name but what I call it.
I love the memories it brings back of my childhood and my stuffed pooh. I love the heffalumps and woozles. I love how he gets stuck in rabbits door and I love tigger.
I love Cars! My son and I watch it together all the time.
What a great giveaway!
Favorite Giveaway from Sits
I actually have 2 favorite Disney movies but I'll just mention one : Beauty and the Beast. I love the irony of the love story and I guess because it is not your typical love story. I'm just weird that way! :)
Jungle Book - always thought it would be so fun to live with wolves :)
blog 1
I love Beauty and the Beast. I think becuase of the love story and it makes me laugh every time.
I love Mary Poppins! The music makes me sing along whether I want to or not. I quote lines from it regularly. And her purse is simply amazing!
Okay - maybe some of you have never heard of this movie (it is a Disney movie)'s called Heavy Weights.
It is really one of the funniest movies ever. Ben Stiller is the "star" (and I believe it is one of his first movies) good - you've got to see it. I see that it is on the Disney Channel every once in a while - so see if you can TiVo it! :)
contact me at:
Another great SITS giveaway (Twisted Silver):
contact me at:
My favorite Disney movie is Cinderella! My girls watch it so much I have to love it:0)
My fav. Disney Movie is Monster Inc. because I love how cute Sully is & Boo of course!!
Favorite Animated Disney Movie would be Beauty and the Beast, its just so beautiful. I love that story.
Thanks for a great giveaway.
Loving Spring Fling
My favorite is Beauty and the Beast. How I wish I had that library in my house!!
This is an awesome giveaway... my favorite I've seen so far.
I'm also loving this giveaway to Target....
Sleeping Beauty... Hands Down... It had faries, and my grandpa called me briar rose, and I named myself aurora for like 6 months (seriously, wouldn't answer to anything else) and I love scene it!
I love The Jungle Book! Its so fun to dance to!
I just checked the Disney web site and my favorite is Wall-E. I know it's recent, but it's my favorite for now anyway.
is this giveaway open to international?
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
Oooooh I am SOOO excited! I LOVE scene and Disney movies!
Not gonna lie though, I LOVE the Disney Pixar movies. Toy Story 2 because of the Bloopers at the end. I laughed so hard I cried. I also love Nemo, but who doesn't?
Jeebus there are a lot of April's on this comment form!!!
Aside from my OWN giveaway (shameless plug...)
I REEEEAAAALLLLY like this one too.
Beauty and the Beast. Gaston cracks me up!!! "I use antlers in all of my decorating."
the little mermaid is my favorite disney movie, i think because it was the first movie i ever saw in a movie theater:) thanks for the chance to win these awesome prizes!
I like the fox and the hound. Such a long time not seen it now. :)
posted at
My favorite Disney movie is 101 Dalmations. My daughters favorite dog. The little puppies are just so cute in this movie.
My favorite is 101 Dalmatians. Love those little spotted dogs! My dd loves Ariel, great giveaway!
Another sits member contest i liked & entered is for a $50 targetcard :
I would have to say my favorite Disney Movie is Monsters Inc. I just think it was so funny and I love the characters! I love all things Disney. I have annual passes and I go all the time. If you follow my blog you will see that Disney is a HUGE part of my life!
Hope you come and visit! and I hope I win!
I really love Tikerbell. It's hard to choose a favorite though! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and entering my give away! I am going to put you on my google reader and jsut for the record, you will be my very first male blogging buddy! How exciting!
The Apple Dumpling Gang was my favorite. I know there are so many though that could top the list. Don Knots and Tim Conway always crack me up. Those two have such a great talent with physical comedy. I remember that was one of the first movies I saw as a kid. And no one needs to go and be looking for when that came out...
My fave disney movie is Dumbo because it clearly illustrates a mother's unconditional love. Can't watch it much though because it makes me cry! LOL Thanks for the contest!
I have loved Beauty and the Beast since the first time I saw it...just something magical about her loving a beast and once he learns to love again he is returned to his real self! Classic!
I love Sleeping Beauty. I don't know why, but I cry EVERYTIME! Hope I win, I really need the Little Mermaid DVDs.
My crumb snatchers would love this! Happy Spring Fling!
I love 101 dalmatians because those little doggies are so cute
wow add me in on this and well my fave disney? i say one of them is sonw white and well i just found you to day
Cinderella.I love Cinderella because she is a princess.I felt like Cinderella when I was smaller.Cinderella before the fairy god mother came.
I love Disney movies still and even though I have a boy,im gonna let him watch Cinderella one day too.Just don't tell his daddy,lol.
i love the little mermaid! i love the songs on the movie too. i remember watching it over and over again when it came out. i just love how ariel dreamed and did everything just to be with eric :)
i hope my entry is included! is the link to my post about this giveaway!
Whaa....i really love disney movies even up to my age now! I love the Little Mermaid 1 & 2 so much...Now that I have a daughter still I do love to watch together with her. I just can't help but memorize their soundtrack Part of That World....Ariel is so cute....
Oh Preston, this reminds me how I reacted when I first saw The Lion King with my kids, way back when it first came out. I remember getting chills and CRYING over a "kid" movie - I never would have imagined.
My favorite all time Disney movie is Mary Poppins. I love how many things she can carry in her little bag. The songs make me happy and I find myself singing them all the time. Plus I like sugar. Thank you!
my favorite is 101 Dalmatians. My son and I watch it together and he loves it
dctm at bellsouth dot net
Only you, would have Disney movies!! lol
Okay, I'm not sure I could list just one!
Pirates of the Carribian I and II (not number II, not that good), I mean "HELLO" you got Two wonderfully hot men in it! Need I say more!
Sky High because it was different and cute. One of those movies, I could watch over and over and have watched over and over.
Parent Trap, both the orginal and the later one with Lindsay IdontknowwhoIam. They are just cute movies with cute kids.
Mary Poppins, cause that bitch was crazy!
I could keep going on.
My daughter Cheyenne would say High School Musical, because of Zac Efron. She is like his girlfriend, has no idea he is not really into girls. Course, not sure he knows it either but the rest of us do.
My favorite Disney movie is Cinderella. I think it was the first movie I saw in a movie theater. I even remember being Cinderella the following halloween. I loved that costume.
My fav, and trust me it was WAY HARD to pick, would have to be The Fox and The Hound.. old school huh? I grew up way out in the boonies. We were at best a 2 hour drive from the nearest theater..and this was WAY WAY before Blockbuster (think beta max tapes, eeeek). My Da took the three of us for a big city trip and we watched this movie. I cried like a baby when they left Tod in the perserve. I STILL DO! And my Da bought me the lunch box with the charaters on it.. I STILL have it. That was my favorite disney flick.
Great giveaway...glad I'm getting in on the tail end here.
I think one of my favorite disney movies is Robin Hood. What makes it for me is the narration and songs (esp at the beginning) by Roger Miller. I just love him.
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