I spent most of the day sneaking into my personal email and reading each and every one of the comments left on my blog. I loved every minute of it and it was so much fun to see the different reactions to my posts. Many of you left comments on posts that weren't even feature on the SITS post about my blog. I am especially glad that I was able to provide most of you with some good laughs and I hope I will be able to continue to do so in the future.
Last, but certainly not least, I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to Tiffany and Heather, the bestest SISTas in the whole world who created and run The Secret is in the Sauce. I can barely keep up with my own blog so I have no idea how they do theirs and run SITS at the same time. It's truly amazing.
Ok, I know I sound like a big suck up but I just can't help myself. This really was a treat and I promise to visit each and every one of my commenter's blogs. It may take me a little time because I have rehearsals for my play on Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays but I will do it. Now, does anyone know how to treat featured blogger withdrawl?
Hi, I wish I know how to treat withdrawl, because I am still suffering from it! And trust me, I am still visiting other commenting bloggers 3 weeks later!
Oh Preston, I didn't get on any blogs yesterday and I missed your big day!! Congratulations to you!!!
I'm with you...I can hardly keep up with my own blog...I have no idea how Tiffany & Heather do it!! I even saw Tiffany on Facebook!!! They are Super women!!!
I'm a little late, but Happy SITS Day to a great BITSta!:)
I bet the comments will just keep coming in...Maybe you won't have to worry about withdrawal for quite some time!
I'm a Welcomista and I STALK your blog now so you can at least be assured that you'll hear from me! like it or not bro!!!
I've been away this week and catching up now. Congrats on your feature!
I have been a slacker lately, but wanted to say congrats on your day! Well deserved. You know I love coming to check your blog out!
I am always a day late and a dollar short!
I hoped you enjoyed being saucy. Your blog looks great!!
Eat chocolate. Godiva chocolate even.
I think a tub of Ben & Jerry's would do the trick :)
I somehow stopped getting the SITS email...but congrats on your feature!
As for treating the withdrawal...I would imagine the prescription is to keep writing ;)
I loved that you were featured. Your blogs are great to read!
I haven't found any rememdies so I'm still suffering from Spring Fling. I can't imagine the withdrawal involved with being a FB.
Hope this comment helps to ease the pain!
I hear liquor works wonders.
I bet you got an overload of comments. Those were really great posts! Who wouldn't comment? I'm glad you're enjoying the glory of being featured too. Hopefully I'll get there one day ;o)
I was featured on Monday and after all that comment awesomeness, I too am suffering from withdrawal. Heather and Tiffany are the greatest!
Jump on over to my blog... I have an award for you!
I have been meaning to stop by since your feature day, but it's camp enrollment time and I am nuts!
I'm here now and just wanted to say how thrilled Heather and I are to have you in the community... a few men have tried it, but only you stayed.
I am so glad you enjoyed your SITS day {BITS) you totally deserve all the comment loving!
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