My Blog Has Moved

Well folks, I've finally done it. I've switched to WordPress and my blog is now on my own domain. So say good-bye to Blogger and good-bye to the bling. But don't be sad. Life is full of change. Change is a good thing. It keeps us on our toes. It challanges us and makes us stronger. And as your next President... oops, I got a little speechy there, didn't I?

Anyway, check me out at:

I'll look for you there.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

You're Appreciated! If You Blog It, He Will Come

Welcome to my third installment of You’re Appreciated!, the un-award of un-awards. This is where I get to feature three blogs that I feel are worth taking a closer look at. The following three blogs have their own special ‘niches’ but don’t be fooled into thinking that it all ends there. A closer inspection reveals that they all are more than what they first appear to be. I love blogs that hook me with one premise and then steadily reel me in with impressive writing, well thought out opinions, and honest, fresh views of their personal lives. This is true blogging at it’s best. And although you all love me and know that I am never wrong, don’t just take me word on it. Check ‘em out for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.

Pick of the Literate is a book review blog but don’t let that fool you--it’s oh so much more. Impressively written by William Bentrim, this blog is flavored with William’s upbeat view of the “kaleidoscoping drama of life.” He describes himself as “a voracious reader who believes that Science Fiction provides us with hope for our future and goals to pursue.” On the surface, that may sound strange but it all makes sense once you read his profile and check out some of his posts. Ironically, two posts that caught my attention recently had nothing to do with book reviews: Panic or Greed Both Are Self Centered, Self-Fulfilling and Self Destructive and Toe the line, or else! Read these two posts and I’m sure you’ll see why Pick of the Literate is my pick to be appreciated.

Lilly’s Life is a personal blog by Lilly (who else?), an Aussie gal who pulls no punches and shoots straight from the hip. A review of her blog by Matt on Entrecard describes her blog much better than I could: “Lilly has an uncanny ability to make everyday events in her life into very funny and entertaining stories for her readers. Yet, she shows great insight and perspective on important issues that affect us all. She has several ‘series’ which she posts to on a regular basis and I highly recommend them all.” For an example of that insight and perspective, check out her When did personal responsibility die? post. Slight warning: Like me, Lilly’s posts have a tendency to be a tad long.

3 Kids and Us is written by Catherine who describes herself as “25 years old, married, with two beautiful children and a husband. We live in a quiet, smaller community, in an adequate home. Oh and then there's the dog.” 3 Kids is a fairly new blog that Catherine decided to start when she learned that child number 3 was on it’s way--hence the name “3 Kids and Us.” I really enjoy reading her posts which vary greatly. Whether she’s updating her readers on baby #3, blogging about eating her son’s Spaghetti O’s for lunch, or expressing her concerns about purchasing a new home on credit, Catherine serves up a slice of what real America and real Americans are all about. She’s gearing up to celebrate her 100th post and I urge everyone to join in. After all, we Americans love a good celebration.


Politi Gal said...

Thanks so much for sharing these Amaing blogs! I've been a Lily reader for a while, but POTL and #kids slipped under my radar. Thanks again for highlighting them!

Lilly said...

Wow, thank you Preston that was unexpected. Appreciate your comments very much and I will check out the other blogs too. Many thanks again.

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