My Blog Has Moved

Well folks, I've finally done it. I've switched to WordPress and my blog is now on my own domain. So say good-bye to Blogger and good-bye to the bling. But don't be sad. Life is full of change. Change is a good thing. It keeps us on our toes. It challanges us and makes us stronger. And as your next President... oops, I got a little speechy there, didn't I?

Anyway, check me out at:

I'll look for you there.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I've Moved to

This is just a reminder post that I have moved my blog to If you are following my blog, you need to go to my new blog and click on the RSS feed link so you can follow my new blog. So if you have been wondering why you haven't seen any new posts from me, now you know. So please, go check out the new blog and leave me a comment telling me what you think. And if you have a link to my blog on your blog, make sure you change it from the blogspot adress to the address. And don't forget to follow the new blog. Thanks!

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