Since I've been back, I've been working each day and racing home to get the dogs walked and fed, shovel some food down my throat, and get to rehearsals by 6:00pm. (Which usually becomes 6:20) Anyway, I took today off so I could relax, regroup, and rest before the show. We have a 7 pm call and the show opens at 8 pm.

In case you missed it, I am in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure being done by the Collingswood Shakespeare Company. It's one of Shakespeare's lesser known comedies. We have updated it to a 1920's theme and it's very, very funny. Even people who don't like Shakespeare will like this. And I play Pompey, a tapster and bawd. (Translation: Bartender/Pimp)
Am I excited? You bet. I haven't been in a play for about a year. I've been doing at least 3 plays a year since 2001 and in 2007 I did 6. I took a rest in 2008 and now I have been bit by the acting bug again. But even though I am acting, I promise not to desert my blog. (Well I promise to not desert it permanently anyway, if only for a short period of time.)
So folks, don't wish me luck. In case you don't know, wishing someone luck in the theater means bad luck. Always say, "Break a leg!" Theater folks are a strange breed. (and yes, I speak from exprience.)
Break a Leg!
Most importantly have fun.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! :)
Break 2 legs!!
Hope your play went well, and you were a rousing success!
I know what you mean about being busy. I'm exhausted. Where shall we go on vacation? ;)
Break a leg! I love "Measure for Measure." Will you be able to videotape it for YouTube posterity?
I feel like such a slug compared to you. I don't know how you're keeping it all together with your schedule. And I'm with JD. Do we get to see part of the show?
I hope the show went well!! You have to tell us all about it, and DO NOT abandon your blog. Its one of my favorites!!
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